Who Are We

MIVER CORP is singularly unique in its focus on applying cutting-edge technical approaches and solutions to respond to critical business and institutional issues, unlike any other IT and Multimedia service company. It’s base of operations are in Metro Vancouver, Canada and Metro Manila, Philippines making Miver Corp available in the East and West side of the globe. 

MIVER CORP directors’ cumulative robust and intensive 20 working years’ experience in IT enterprise and creative technical systems in various industries has given the company an intrinsic understanding of the converging applications of advanced computing and multimedia technologies. This allows MIVERCORP to offer solutions to corporate challenges and wants not normally seen in the industry.

Full Digital Solutions

Our team has more than 20 years of experience in the industry. Our services offer quality, price, selection, service, and turnaround.

Our Approach

We know precisely how to help our clients deliver smart, dynamic digital solutions for your online marketing and web business.

We believe that flexibility is the best methodology. Every client has different requirements and schedules. We adjust our stages and process in every project accordingly.​


We offer competitive pricing on our services. We also give discounts on bulk services and full development projects.

Output Quality

We are your partner for data quality, competence & reliability. Steer your business to success.

Fast Turnover

Project quality management to ensure that our client meets functional requirements. We Ensure early and timely completion of projects.

Full Digital Solutions

We offer Complete Digital Solutions for any business that builds world-class applications across various platforms and industries. We cater to different companies and industries to help them solve any digital and process improvement they need.